Date range

Statutory immunity upheld in tragic fatal accident where fire truck struck and killed toddler at an intersection while responding to an emergency call.

In a highly-publicized and tragic accident, a fire truck responding to an emergency call was approaching an intersection and chose to make an otherwise illegal and dangerous U-turn by moving its vehicle to the right, then swinging the truck around Case Law Alerts, 1st Quarter, Apri

“Furnish” under FCRA describes “active transmission of information to a third-party rather than a failure to safeguard the data.” Information stolen from defendant is not furnished within meaning of FCRA.

The New Jersey District Court’s recent opinion in this case involved a motion filed by Horizon Healthcare Services, Inc. to dismiss the amended putative class action complaint filed by the plaintiffs. Case Law Alerts, 1st Quarter, Apri

Can spoliation sanctions be imposed for failing to submit to physical examination prior to undergoing surgery on body part allegedly injured by defendant’s tortious conduct?

The First Department answered a legal question trial courts have been wrestling with for the past few years: Can spoliation sanctions be imposed on a plaintiff who fails to submit to a physical examination prior to undergoing surgery on a body par Case Law Alerts, 1st Quarter, Apri